70 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. 1. NY20 – Why do we have headaches retaining a seat in a state as blue as NY? If this seat is too far to the right, why could we not choose someone else for senate? Who asks these questions in this party?

    The republicans won a city council seat in NYC. The dem councilman is a state senator now and a special election was held. The loss may not be important. The question is why do we perform poorly in Gotham?

    2. VA senate – I forgot this last week. Will the dem primary become fatricidal?

    3. CT senate – We better start asking Dodd some tough questions now. Or the Republicans will do it on their terms. This is going to be a good handle to beat democrats with all over the country in the next election.

    4. IL senate – This is getting better every week. What is Bobby Rush saying now?

    5. If VT gov switches party, the Republicans will be finished in NE. A maine senator to a Cabinet post etc would be most welcome.

  2. GA-GOV:

    Will former Governor Roy Barnes be entering the fold? Is General Poythres good enough to take on Lt. Governor Cagle? If not, who can we count on?


    Will Rep. Broun (R-Crazy) challenge Isakson? When will a Democrat announce and who will that be?

    GA-Legislative: If the Governor’s race looks untenable will Democrats in GA try to make gains here based upon trends seen in 2008? Several metro Atlanta districts look to be promising, especially on the House level…

  3. I have a new idea for an open thread: Quotes from Michele Bachmann that either make sense, or aren’t offensive to some group in society. I’m not sure it would have a lot of responces, but it would still be pretty funny.

  4. Anyone know how it would work if passed?  Would there immediately be special elections to fill the two new seats, or would they be in 2010?  Or is it possible that since DC already has a not-voting rep that she would just be given voting rights in Congress, taking away the need for an election?

  5. But I had to get this off my chest, I turned on CNN and they were actually broadcasting live that foul smelling bull known also as CPAC when Rush Limbaugh was on. All I have to say is, by the time he was finished talking, my headache which I already had only got worse, and I think I threw up my breakfast from yesterday.

    Funny thing to hear a guy like Limbaugh say ‘be positive’ while giving such a negative speech.

  6. Sometime over the next year or so when somebody has nothing better to do, maybe we should do a state-by-state redistricting roundup.  You know: which officeholders (or others) are in charge of state & Congressional redistricting in that state, and therefore, which elections could affect the balance of power over redistricting.  We all know a few of the high-profile cases (like the Texas Dems’ struggle to get control of the state House so that the redistricting is not all-Republican).  But what about other states?

    I bet there are more states than we realize in which redistricting control is wholly, or partly, up for grabs in 2010.  This being SSP, we could just focus on Congressional redistricting only, in states with more than one CD.  If there’s not the time and energy to get all the way through the list, we could just start with the largest states and work our way down…

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